How to Provide us with Feedback
We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions around how we can improve our services to make them more accessible and user friendly for our patients.
Please use the feedback form below to provide us with your suggestions.
We review patient feedback in our monthly meetings where it is discussed with various members of our staff team and where changes have been implemented, we will be happy to provide you with an update following any actions taken.
How to Raise a Complaint
Please use the complaint form below to let us know of your concerns about our service.
If you prefer, you can request a paper complaint form at the reception desk.
Our aim is to resolve most issues promptly and efficiently, often at the time they occur and directly with the individuals involved. We encourage you to inform us as soon as possible ideally within days or at most within two weeks, to help us investigate the matter more effectively. If this timeframe is not feasible, please ensure we receive the details of your complaint:
- Within 6 months of the incident that caused the issue, or
- Within 12 months of the incident or from the time you first became aware of the issue.
Please address your complaints to the Assistant Practice Manager. They will outline the complaints process and ensure your concerns are handled promptly.
To assist us, please provide as much detail as possible regarding your complaint.
Our Response Process
We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days and aim to deliver a detailed response in a timely manner. Our investigation will focus on:
- Investigating what happened and identifying any errors.
- Providing you with an opportunity to discuss the issue with those involved if you wish.
- Providing an apology where appropriate.
- Implementing measures to prevent the issue from recurring.
It is important to note that we may also issue a Zero Tolerance Warning letter if you have made a complaint to the practice that has beem deemed as being intentionally untrue, and once it has been investigated the practice can evidence that the patient intentionally misrepresented their case in order to defame or undermine a member of our staff team.
Filing a Complaint on Behalf of Someone Else
We adhere strictly to medical confidentiality regulations. If you are raising a complaint on someone else’s behalf, we require their written permission unless they are unable to provide it due to illness.
Feedback Form
Please help us improve. This form is not a formal complaint and we aim to respond to you via a phone call. If you'd like a written response, please submit a formal compliant.
Formal Complaint Form
This form is a formal complaint and we will provide you with a written response.
We hope you will use our practice-based complaints procedure to address any concerns. This process provides the best opportunity to resolve issues and improve our services. However, this does not affect your right to contact the local Ombudsman if you are unable to file a complaint with us or are dissatisfied with our investigation.
Alternative Avenues for Complaints
Care Quality Commission:
If local resolution and independent review do not satisfy you, you can escalate your complaint to the Health Service Ombudsman. The Ombudsman operates independently of both the NHS and Government.
Contact Details:
Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
Tel: 0345 015 4033
Website: www.ombudsman.org.uk/making-complaint
Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS)
This government-funded service supports individuals making NHS complaints. In the London region, ICAS is provided by the Citizens' Advice Bureau. The service is free, confidential, and tailored to your needs, whether you require advice, assistance, or support.
Contact Details:
NHS Complaints Advocacy, VoiceAbility
Mount Pleasant House, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 0RN
Tel: 0300 330 5454
Contact Details:
North East London (NEL) Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Complaints Department, NHS North East London, 4th Floor – Unex Tower, 5 Station Street, London E15 1DA
Tel: 020 8221 5750
Email: nelondonicb.complaints@nhs.net
Independent Advice and Advocacy Support
For free and independent support, you can contact your local complaints advocacy service. They can help draft letters and present your case.
Contact Details:
Healthwatch Newham NHS Complaints Advocacy Service
Tel: 020 3828 8245
Email: advocacy@healthwatchnewham.co.uk